Raised in a loving environment that cherishes friendly temperaments and calm demeanors, all of our puppies are just precious!

Precious pup kennels
You need a puppy ,We got them. Call 7126219830
Our puppies are adorable
and are given the finest attention throughout their youth and as they prepare to become part of their new family! Want to learn more about our process? Feel free to give us a call!
Our puppies are active
ur puppies are healthy, socialized, and cared for on our property from the time they’re born to the day they go home with you. We love getting them outdoors to play with each other and soak in all the sunshine they can get!
English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs & Tibetan Mastiffs
We specialize in raising English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and Tibetan Mastiffs for their forever homes.
Standards with the AKC and USDA
Precious Pup Kennels is proud to be a member of the AKC’s Bred with H.E.A.R.T. program, which maintains the Health, Education, Accountability, Responsibility, and Tradition of dog breeding across the United States.
Contact us today!
We look forward to matching you with your next Precious Pup companion!
Join Our Waiting List
Once contacted by us, there is a 1-week maximum to make your decision on a puppy before we move on to a new family.
join the Precious Pup Kennels waiting list!